18F is a radioactive isotope of fluorine widely utilized in medical imaging due to its relatively short half-life of about two hours. The incorporation of 18F into a molecule, typically a radiotracer, is known as 18F labeling, and the radiotracer can be injected into the body for imaging purposes using techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET). PET is a non-invasive imaging technique that enables the observation and quantification of biological processes in living organisms. 18F labeling has broad applications in medical fields, such as oncology, neurology, and cardiology. For example, 18F-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) is commonly used to visualize glucose metabolism in tumors, as it accumulates in tumor cells and areas of high metabolic activity, thus enabling the detection of cancerous tissue. In essence, incorporating 18F into radiotracers is a crucial tool in medical imaging, particularly in PET, which provides invaluable insights into biological processes and assists in the diagnosis and treatment of a range of medical conditions.