
  • CAT Number: L003724
  • CAS Number: 1287777-24-5
  • Molecular Formula: C46H32N4
  • Molecular Weight: 640.8
  • Purity: ≥95%
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1,1,2,2-Tetrakis(4-(pyridin-3-yl)phenyl)ethene (Cat.No:L003724) is a crucial chemical compound in materials science. Its unique structure, featuring pyridine-substituted phenyl groups, imparts valuable electronic properties. This compound serves as a key component in the synthesis of specialized materials, particularly in optoelectronic applications. Its versatile reactivity and distinct properties mark it as a pivotal candidate in the development of innovative materials for various industries, underscoring its importance in contemporary chemical research.

Catalog Number L003724
CAS Number 1287777-24-5
Molecular Formula C46H32N4
Purity ≥95%
IUPAC Name 3-[4-[1,2,2-tris(4-pyridin-3-ylphenyl)ethenyl]phenyl]pyridine
InChI InChI=1S/C46H32N4/c1-5-41(29-47-25-1)33-9-17-37(18-10-33)45(38-19-11-34(12-20-38)42-6-2-26-48-30-42)46(39-21-13-35(14-22-39)43-7-3-27-49-31-43)40-23-15-36(16-24-40)44-8-4-28-50-32-44/h1-32H
SMILES C1=CC(=CN=C1)C2=CC=C(C=C2)C(=C(C3=CC=C(C=C3)C4=CN=CC=C4)C5=CC=C(C=C5)C6=CN=CC=C6)C7=CC=C(C=C7)C8=CN=CC=C8

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