
  • CAT Number: I018198
  • CAS Number: 3188-00-9
  • Molecular Formula: C₅H₈O₂
  • Molecular Weight: 100.12
  • Purity: ≥95%
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2-Methyltetrahydrofuran-3-one(Cat No.:I018198) is a volatile compound present in the aromatic profile of roasted coffee. It contributes to the characteristic smell and flavor associated with coffee. Besides its role in coffee aroma, it serves as a raw material in the production of spices and finds applications in organic synthesis. Its versatile nature makes it useful for various purposes, from enhancing food flavors to serving as a building block in creating other organic compounds.

Catalog Number I018198
CAS Number 3188-00-9
Molecular Formula C₅H₈O₂
Purity ≥95%

[1]. A San Martin, et al. The isolation and structure determination of chilenone A, a putative dimer of 2-methyl-3(2H)-furanone from the marine alga Laurenciachilensis. Tetrahedron Letters 24(38):4063–4066.

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