
  • CAT Number: L007254
  • CAS Number: 51545-36-9
  • Molecular Formula: C21H12N4
  • Molecular Weight: 320.3
  • Purity: ≥95%
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4,4′,4”-Nitrilotribenzonitrile(Cat No.:L007254), is a chemical compound used in various industrial applications and research settings. It belongs to the class of aromatic nitriles. This compound has multiple aromatic rings linked by a central nitrogen atom, providing unique reactivity and stability. It is employed in the synthesis of complex organic molecules and as a starting material for the production of dyes, pigments, and specialty chemicals. Its versatile nature makes it valuable in the development of advanced materials, contributing significantly to the fields of organic chemistry and industrial manufacturing processes.

Catalog Number L007254
CAS Number 51545-36-9
Molecular Formula C21H12N4
Purity ≥95%
IUPAC Name 4-(4-cyano-N-(4-cyanophenyl)anilino)benzonitrile
InChI InChI=1S/C21H12N4/c22-13-16-1-7-19(8-2-16)25(20-9-3-17(14-23)4-10-20)21-11-5-18(15-24)6-12-21/h1-12H

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