Amylin, amide, human TFA

For research use only. Not for therapeutic Use.

  • CAT Number: I046001
  • Molecular Formula: C167H262F3N51O57S2
  • Molecular Weight: 4017.30
  • Purity: ≥95%
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Amylin, amide, human TFA, a 37-amino acid polypeptide, is a pancreatic hormone cosecreted with insulin that exerts unique roles in metabolism and glucose homeostasis. Amylin, amide, human TFA inhibits glucagon secretion, delays gastric emptying, and acts as a satiety agent[1].
MCF-7 cells endogenously express human amylin receptor CTR1 and CTR2. Stimulation of the receptor with Amylin, amide, human results in the production of cAMP. Amylin, amide, human (0.001 nM-1000 μM) results in an EC50 of 35.2±7.5 nM[1].
Amylin, amide, human (400 μg peptide /kg body weight) is injected by subcutaneous route in separated groups of swiss male mice. A typical PK curve for the free amylin is observed, with a half-time of 23 min[1].

Catalog Number I046001
Molecular Formula C167H262F3N51O57S2
Purity ≥95%

[1]. Sisnande T, et al. Monoconjugation of Human Amylin with Methylpolyethyleneglycol. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 8;10(10):e0138803.
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