For research use only. Not for therapeutic Use.

  • CAT Number: M075681
  • CAS Number: 16893-06-4
  • Molecular Formula: Cl4H6N2Pt
  • Molecular Weight: 370.95
  • Purity: ≥95%
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Cis-Tetrachlorodiamminoplatinum(IV)(Cat No.:M075681)is a platinum-based coordination compound, widely used in pharmaceutical research, particularly in the study of anticancer drugs. This compound features a central platinum atom coordinated with four chloride ions and two ammine ligands in a cis configuration, contributing to its stability and reactivity. Its unique structure makes it a valuable precursor in the synthesis of platinum-based chemotherapy agents, where it plays a critical role in understanding drug mechanisms and developing new treatments for various cancers. Ideal for advanced medicinal chemistry applications.

Catalog Number M075681
CAS Number 16893-06-4
Molecular Formula Cl4H6N2Pt
Purity ≥95%
Storage -20°C

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