
For research use only. Not for therapeutic Use.

  • CAT Number: M010878
  • CAS Number: 546-97-4
  • Molecular Formula: C20H22O6
  • Molecular Weight: 358.388
  • Purity: ≥95%
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Columbin(CAT: M010878) is a natural compound found in various plant species, including Columbiana uniflora and Aquilegia vulgaris (also known as columbine). Its mode of action involves being a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid with potential biological activities. Pharmacologically, columbin has been studied for its diverse effects, including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. It has shown promise in various preclinical studies, demonstrating its potential therapeutic applications in managing oxidative stress, combating microbial infections, reducing inflammation, and exhibiting anticancer effects by inducing apoptosis and inhibiting tumor growth.

Catalog Number M010878
CAS Number 546-97-4


Molecular Formula C20H22O6
Purity ≥95%
Target Anti-infection
Storage -20°C

1: Yang G, Gao S, Sun R, Yin T, Hu M. Development and validation of an UPLC-MS/MS
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2: Nok AJ, Sallau BA, Onyike E, Useh NM. Columbin inhibits cholesterol uptake in
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3: Nok AJ, Balogun E, Lori JA, Abubakar MS. Inhibition of Naja nigricolis venom
acidic phospholipase A2 catalysed hydrolysis of ghost red blood cells by
columbin. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. 2002 Feb;17(1):55-9. PubMed PMID: 12365462.

4: Ibrahim Abdelwahab S, Syaed Koko W, Mohamed Elhassan Taha M, Mohan S, Achoui
M, Ameen Abdulla M, Rais Mustafa M, Ahmad S, Ibrahim Noordin M, Lip Yong C,
Roslan Sulaiman M, Othman R, Amir Hassan A. In vitro and in vivo
anti-inflammatory activities of columbin through the inhibition of
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5: Shi Q, Liang M, Zhang W, Zhang C, Liu R, Shen Y, Li H, Wang X, Wang X, Pan Q,
Chen C. Quantitative LC/MS/MS method and pharmacokinetic studies of columbin, an
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6: Wada K, Kurihara T, Yagi M, Kobayashi R, Kaminaga H, Toi K, Haga M. Columbin
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7: Kohno H, Maeda M, Tanino M, Tsukio Y, Ueda N, Wada K, Sugie S, Mori H, Tanaka
T. A bitter diterpenoid furanolactone columbin from Calumbae Radix inhibits
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26;183(2):131-9. PubMed PMID: 12065087.

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