Iodomethane-13C,d3 (Copper Wire Stabilized)

  • Carbon
  • CAT Number: R046426
  • CAS Number: 20710-47-8
  • Molecular Formula: CH3I
  • Molecular Weight: 145.95
  • Purity: ≥95%
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Iodomethane-13C,d3 is a doubly labeled form of iodomethane (methyl iodide), where the carbon atom is replaced with the carbon-13 isotope and all three hydrogen atoms are replaced with deuterium. This isotopic labeling makes it especially useful in studies involving reaction mechanisms, metabolic pathways, and isotope tracing in chemical and biochemical research. The carbon-13 and deuterium labeling allows for precise tracking using NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, while the compound retains the same chemical properties as non-labeled iodomethane, making it valuable for advanced research applications.

Catalog Number R046426
CAS Number 20710-47-8

13C-Methyl-d3 Iodide;

Molecular Formula CH3I
Purity 95%
Storage -20°C
IUPAC Name trideuterio(iodo)methane
InChI InChI=1S/CH3I/c1-2/h1H3/i1+1D3

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