Omiganan, FITC labeled

For research use only. Not for therapeutic Use.

  • CAT Number: I045844
  • Purity: ≥95%
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Omiganan, FITC labeled is a peptide-FITC complex composed of Omiganan and a FITC. Omiganan is a bactericidal and fungicidal cationic peptide being developed as a topical gel for prevention of catheter-associated infections. FITC is a derivative of fluorescein for the labeling of amines[1].

Catalog Number I045844
Purity ≥95%

[1]. Thomas R Fritsche, et al. Antimicrobial Activity of Omiganan Pentahydrochloride Against Contemporary Fungal Pathogens Responsible for Catheter-Associated Infections. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008 Mar;52(3):1187-9.
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